Wednesday, 3 November 2010

The Best Man Bible (Tommy Virgo Presents)

The Best Man Bible (Tommy Virgo Presents)The Best Man Bible is the first-of-its-kind handbook dedicated exclusively to all the duties of being a best man, and is the only book in the world to be called "the be-all, end-all of wedding advice books for best men" by the editor of a popular wedding planning magazine.

The Best Man Bible has more information on your duties as best man, and how to go about them effectively and systematically, than any other book or website in the world. The Best Man Bible is the only book out there that helps you be so effective as best man, its organizational methodology and tips have been recommended by wedding organizers year after year.

Most information about being the best man has been written by people who may know something about only one aspect of being a best man (e.g., how to write a speech, how to throw a bachelor party), without knowing much about the features and further responsibilities unique to this honorable position. Many such articles are written by (*gasp*)...women! Women who work for wedding magazines or web sites. And guess where their information comes from? Other women on other websites. A simple web search for best man-related information bears this out, and ignores this basic fact: expertise as a best man requires the experience of being a best man and the social pressure inherent in it.

The Best Man Bible, in sharp contrast, was developed, tested and reviewed by men with extensive, first-hand experience in the art and science of being a best man. Men from the U.S., England, Canada, Australia, continental Europe, and even India contributed to the Bible. And the result? The best and most widely applicable best man information has been analyzed, isolated, and collated down to a series of systems and recommendations that will make you the best best man you can be without anxiety or confusion.

The Best Man Bible has been specially designed to give you all the tools you need to master your best man duties quickly, effectively, and without pissing anyone off. From organizing the bachelor party to the reception speech, from tuxedo etiquette to rehearsal dinner responsibilities, it's all here.

The Best Man Bible will save you hours, perhaps days, of useless calls, online research, and a steep trial-and-error learning curve by handing you the tools the experts use in the time it takes you to read our well-organized book. That's less than two hours, even if you are a slow reader and read it cover to cover.

An informal survey of Best Man Bible readers found that they had saved an average of 25 hours of work. But most important to Bible readers was the ease and aplomb with which they accomplished their duties, simply by following the structure and suggestions in the book.

Others who have used The Best Man Bible reported that they preferred to jump right into the sections they needed. When it was time to plan the bachelor party, they'd referred only to that chapter. When it was time for the speech, only that section. And by using our handy Best Man Calendar (included with purchase), you can map out what you'll need to do and when, from bachelor party to speech and beyond, without sweating what you might have otherwise missed.

A recent survey in Modern Bride magazine which showed what wedding goers have known for years: One in five brides stated that the content of the best man's speech alone could be described as "mortifying". Multiply that out by the 2.5 million weddings that happen every year in the U.S. alone, and you see what that number means.

Don't be a statistic. Make the wedding you are a part of memorable for what you bring to it, not how you mess it up.

Price: $7.95

Click here to buy from Amazon

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